"It's just part of pregnancy," my sister assured me over coffee at our local café.
But after another night of tossing and turning, I knew there had to be a better solution.
At this point, I couldnt imagine several more months enduring the daily difficulty breathing, not to mention the sleepless nights.
And at this point... like many expectant mums, I'd already tried everything:
- An expensive pregnancy pillow that just left me overheated
- Another pregnancy wedge pillow that gave me backache
- Various sprays from the chemist that either did nothing or made me question their safety during pregnancy
Nothing even made the slightest difference.
And whether by fate or by luck, I discovered something that I would go as far to say was life-saving for me in the 3rd trimester...
During a pregnancy information session at our local hospital, I saw one of the women there wearing a black strip across her nose.
She was sitting there peacefully, calm & relaxed, intently listening to one of the midwives while she talked about the removal of the placenta post birth.
I'd heard about nasal strips years ago, and to be honest... it never even crossed my mind to use them while pregnant.
After the class, I softly approached her and asked how she found using the strip.
"Girl, I cannot imagine being pregnant without using these - I almost never take them off. Here, take a couple to try out".
She reached into her purse and handed me a couple of the nasal strips. Eager to try them out as soon as possible, I decided to have my evening shower early, clean my face, and pop it right on.